AppleTalk Intro
This is the first in what will be a series
Let’s make an Atari/Commodore joystick tester
I have been making these for about a year now
Just a short mail call from Greg to see what he has been up to
Mail call time. I purchased a KAIWEETS ES21 after watching
Mail Call featuring FujiNet and more…
This our March mail call video featuring several upcoming projects
Testing some old resistors to see if they are still in spec
I had a bunch of old never used components dropped
Vintage Commodore Christmas Demo
Just playing around and thought I would record and post
Christmas Ornaments
This was a fun little build. The kit came with
Radio Shack Mesmerizer
This is the second of 2 Radio Shack build it
Radio Shack Water Alarm
Today Greg is building a water alarm kit that is
Join Us on Youtube!
Doodads and DooDettes, Your 8bitdoodad hosts have created a companion
Radio Shack – My Look Back
In childhood, I wasn't a Radio Shack/TRS-80 fanboy.  I just
Hello World
Ah, nothing is more warming and comfortable to us retro
I wanna be a Toys “R” us kid
Back in 1985, I graduated high school and went off
8 bit journey (Patrick’s Story)
My journey with computers started in high school, where unknown
8 bit journey (Greg’s story)
I am not sure what year it was, but I
Looking Back… Radio Shack.
While Radio Shack is still around to some extent today,